About Me

Yoga changed my Life and it's just too good a thing to keep to myself! I have been practicing yoga since 1995 and am a certified yoga instructor. I teach a combination of classical Hatha, Ashtanga and Vinyasa Flow. My teaching style is safe, compassionate and challenging at the same time. I teach at a number of studios, and also offer private and group lessons!

In addition to my schedule, I post other writings here, about yoga and Life in general. For private or group lessons, contact me at: workofheartyoga@gmail.com .

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Subs while I'm on Maternity leave, the list is IN!

Dear Students,

This coming weekend is my last weekend to teach, so I hope you will all be there if you can to help me celebrate a new phase in my life, and a new phase in your yoga practice: learning to be open to the new!

Yes, I AM teaching on Saturday morning, June 20th, and both my beginner classes on Sunday. Sorry about the confusion, I've had some scheduling conflicts with my childbirth class, but alas, I WILL be teaching all 3 classes this weekend.

Just so you know who will be teaching which class, here goes:

Tues - 5:30 beginner/prenatal - Jewel
Sat, 11am Level One - Jules
Sun, 11am Beginner - Nathalie
Sun, 12:45 Beginner - Calysta

All four of these women have excellent training, and are wonderful and caring individuals. I feel very confident knowing that my students will be in their capable hands, and know that you will all have fun getting to know each other. They all have their own unique teaching styles and amazing personalities, so please enjoy the benefits this lends to your practice!

Remember to talk to your new teachers BEFORE class if you have any injuries or other concerns, and try to remember they have a whole class full of students to accommodate, so it will take a little bit of time for everyone to adjust. It's important to be constructive with your comments and requests. And as always, feel free to talk to Cheryl - she cares very much about her students and the GODA community.

For my private clients, I will be slowing down in that area as well, next week will be my last week to teach privates. However, I do have names and numbers of other teachers who are willing to teach privates as well, so I will contact you individually about that.

I thank each of the teachers who have kindly stepped in to help while I am gone, and Cheryl for helping me get my classes covered and for being such a supportive and flexible boss (no pun intended)! You are all amazing.

Also, I just want to thank all of my students who have been truly wonderful and supportive to me in this time of transition. You are all such a joy to teach. Please stay tuned to my blog, as I will try to post little tidbits here and there while I'm on leave.

PLEASE continue your practice, take your classes, start or continue your home practice and feel free to touch base with me through posting comments on this blog.

April KirkHart

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